Erosion: When ice, water, or wind removes solids such as rock, soil, or sediment.
Drip Tip: When water drips off a stretched leaf tip
Epiphytes: Plants that grow on other plants but not harming it.
Shallow Root System: When a group of shallow roots are close to the surface of a hill.
Vines: Any plant by extension, similar to climbing and trailing plants.
Lianas: Long stemmed woody vines that use trees for support.
Emergent Layer: The emergent layer is the first layer in a rainforest, it has a small amount of large trees.
Canopy Layer: The canopy layer is the second layer in a rainforest, here are the densest areas of biodiversity.
Understory: The understory is the third layer in a rainforest, it contains predators and a lot of insects.
Forest Floor: The forest floor is the last layer, it recieves only 2 percent of sunlight.
Water System: A river with its tributaries.
Flowering Plants: A plant that can make flowers and fruits.
Non-Flowering Plant: A plant that does not have flowers, they grow from spores instead of seeds.